Why Choose Us?

Your business depends on your IT systems. 
Sandwire delivers dynamic technology that fuels your success.
Here are just a few of the benefits Sandwire can provide to your business.

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Why Choose Us? SHORT ANSWER:

  • Emergency response time is one hour or less, guaranteed (generally within 15 minutes)
  • Calls are assessed and escalated based on priority
  • After hours and on weekends, emergency messages are left on the tech voicemail and receive a callback in 15 minutes or less
  • At all times, emailing our support team creates a ticket that gets prioritized and serviced
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Sandwire has been around since 1998, a respected leader in the community and the industry. Our proudest accomplishment is the large number of long-term clients who year after year put their trust in us.


We hire seasoned, professional senior technicians with at least 5-10 years experience. We provide all of our technicians with educational opportunities to stay current with the latest technology. We won’t be sending out warm bodies to train on your dime!

Business Savvy

We design, evaluate, and justify technology solutions from a thorough understanding of the business benefit for your company.

One-Stop Shop

We handle all your IT needs, including hardware, software, vendors, internet, and maintenance, while ensuring top-notch cybersecurity and compliance. BlueVoice VoIP from Sandwire provides the latest internet telephony. Everything you need is here!


Our service philosophy is to be proactive, not reactive. With state-of- the-art network monitoring and management, we oversee your network 24/7 to identify the issues BEFORE they become problems, rather than putting out fires.

Comprehensive Project Management

Our extensive experience managing all types of complex projects means we oversee every detail and coordinate all vendors to get the job done right!

No Geek-Speak

You deserve to have your questions answered in plain English. Our technicians will clearly explain what is happening so you understand.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We want you to be completely satisfied with our services. We will do whatever it takes to make you happy. No hassles, no problems.

Sandwire’s clients typically have 10 to 100 devices or users and rely on their computers, network, and internet for daily operations. Most of our clients have a specialized business application that they use to run their business and rely heavily on that software being operational. We specialize in the healthcare sector and other professional services like law, accounting, and financial services. We also represent a broad cross-section of other industries including, but not limited to, manufacturing, nonprofit, real estate, transportation, and insurance.

Add our technology experts to your company’s team when:

  • You want to focus on your business, not the technology.
  • Your phone system is outdated and inflexible, and service is expensive.
  • You need better reliability and security for your computer network.
  • You know that computer downtime costs you money.
  • You need to be certain your data is always backed up, period.
  • You are worried about being targeted by cyber criminals – losing data, being held up for ransom, breaching sensitive information.
  • You need to fully support and secure your employees to work remotely.
  • You believe that paying to prevent problems is more efficient than paying to fix problems.
  • Your industry requires that you meet compliance regulations and be able to prove you keep current with enforcement.

We'll Assess Your IT.

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