Cyber Insurance

Prepare for cybercrimes. Attacks like ransomware, phishing, viruses, malware,
and identity theft are on the rise, making it crucial for businesses
of all sizes to be proactive.

Cyber Liability Insurance

Like it or not, cyber liability insurance has become a fact of life in today’s business environment for companies large or small.

Cybercrimes such as ransomware, phishing attacks, viruses, malware, and identity theft have flourished over the past couple of years. This is a trend that is getting worse, not better. The truth is that for all types and sizes of business, it is no longer a question of “if” but “when” your company will be attacked.

Your business relies on technology as the underlying machine to process information, store and secure data, and communicate both internally and externally.

Think! If any of these functions fail...
What would happen to your ability to function as a company, to conduct business?

Cyber Liability Insurance

(a.k.a. cyber insurance) protects your business from financial loss associated with a data breach or cyber incident. This may include operating losses or liability coverage for failure to produce and deliver goods and services to expectant customers.
Insurance companies, however, have stringent requirements of the IT security safeguards needed to accept new policy holders – and to pay out when claims arise. The new norm sets the bar high to prove you have the proper infrastructure in place.
Need help? Call Sandwire!

Sandwire provides guidance and knows how to incorporate IT safeguards to protect your business and how to qualify your business for a cyber insurance policy. In addition, we offer a specialized program to scan your network, and then produce documentation of the measures you have put into place. This third-party report is proof of your compliance with policy requirements and can make the difference between getting paid or not when a claim does arise.

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